joi, 11 septembrie 2008

Shocking Cardio Mistakes You Are Making - Warning You Will Gain FAT If You Continue Doing These!

Almost everyone in this day and age is taking to some form of exercise, one way or another. Young and old its something that everyone has in common, is the need to be healthy. However what happens if what you are doing to make you healthy is actually inhibiting you from your potential? What if the cardio workouts you do, actually prevent you from losing weight? Here are the most common mistakes people make in cardio workouts that prevent weight loss:

Hydration! It's the most obvious thing, you body gets tired, and you sweat out all the water. Many people don't realize this is that they need to hydrate continuously while exercising. The thing that most people do is they drink after exercising, not during. They will do all their cardio and suddenly explode cup after bottle of water into their stomach after, dying of thirst. This is a major no-no in weight loss, since then you are sitting with all of this, which you just burnt off, once again. When you are thirsty you get tired more fast, as well so you will slow down, and will no longer be able to go, thus the sudden stop, and run for water and that's it.

Cardio Deja-vu- you do the same thing day after day, you miss other parts of your body key parts, and you just work the same thing. If you do math all your life, you wont be learning the arts, the science, the history and so forth, meaning you are not accessing your full potential- same thing in cardio. Its best to mix things up, you will get all the parts, and will strain you muscles less. After all you want to lose weight; getting muscle will create bulk that makes you gain weight- guess what- all over again, just in a new form.

Eating- either right after or before exercise. IF you just got rid of the calories, why replace them again? I am talking about the full on eating- many people exercise and then go and have a huge meal after, because they became so hungry. Or how about the people who eat just before exercise thinking that they will lose what they just ate? These are really obvious mistakes people make; it will not make you lose weight. Cardio requires a lot of getting your heart rate up, if you just ate it will be difficult and you are depriving yourself of a proper workout.

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By Misty Ruttan

The Only 2 Times You Should Ever Do Aerobic Exercise

Aerobics (long, steady state sub-maximal cardio) aren't much good for many health or fat loss related benefits. I've already done a post on why aerobics suck for fat loss. And then I went over the health benefits of interval training versus steady-state aerobics in my interval training for fat loss article.

But I have to admit aerobic exercise has its place. It can be a useful tool in eliminating stubborn body fat in the areas guys get it most (the abs) and women (butt, hips and thighs)... But... only if you do it on one of these two occasions (and I'll explain why too!):

Time #1 You Should Do Aerobics: After Interval Training

First let's look at what intervals and aerobics do in your body...

Steady state target heart rate cardio (aerobics). Uses fat for energy, but the problem is it takes a long time to exercise for the body to start using fat as fuel for this type of cardio.

High intensity interval training. Burns glycogen and releases fatty acids into the blood stream, but it doesn't use those fatty acids for energy, which means they get redeposited into the fat cells.

Here's how you get the both of best worlds:

1. Do your 12 minutes or less of interval training
2. Wait 5 minutes
3. Do 20 (maximum 30) minutes of steady state cardio (aerobics)

When you do it this way, the HIIT followed by 5 minutes rest guarantees a large release of fatty acids into the blood stream, which means you're guaranteed to be burning fat as fuel when you do your aerobics! Neat huh?

Time #2 You Should Do Aerobics: After Weight Lifting

Intense weight lifting is very similar to Height Intensity Interval Training in the effects that it has on your body, the fuel it uses, etc. So the only other time you should do aerobic cardio is after your weight lifting.

I recommend 20-30 mins of low-medium intensity steady state cardio after weight lifting.

Why You Should Know This

CNS overload: If you're lifting intensely, focusing on strength, doing low reps with heavy weights 3x per week, you're working your central nervous system to increase your strength (primarily). Interval training on your "off" days may be overload for some people, steady state aerobics after weights is a good option if that's you.

Stubborn fat: If you're already around 10-12% body fat (guys) or 15-17% bf (women) and you need to get SUPER ripped, then you should employ the HIIT followed with aerobics in this case. It will help strip away those last stubborn pounds.

Fitness expert Caleb Lee will teach you a lot about how to build muscle. His website will show you ways to lose fat fast. Go to his website right now to get free reports you can use to get the body you want FAST!

By Caleb O Lee

Cardio Boot Camp Exercises

Cardio boot camp exercises have used military techniques - marching, push-ups, sit-ups, lifting weights and obstacle courses - to get people in shape. Make sure to check with your doctor to see what exercise regimen would be best for you. Start slow, take your time.

Cardio boot camp exercises are not for those with injuries. Always stretch before you get involved in any physical exertion.

Stretch your arms by raising them above your head. Stretch upwards, as far as possible, so you can feel your muscles tense. You will feel a slight "burning" sensation - extend a little farther, then relax. Do not overexert yourself.

To determine your fitness level - beginner, average or advanced - consider if you do push-ups or sit-ups. Do you get tired walking up one flight of stairs?

The "beginner" does little or no exercise, getting tired quickly. The "average" exercises a little and doesn't get tired during normal activities. The "advanced" does push-ups and sit-ups regularly - even walking or running.

"Beginner" cardio boot camp exercises warm up muscles.

A "beginner" routine starts with stretching and walking in place for seven minutes.

Do the "leg stretch". Sit on the ground, with back upright and legs extended. Touch your toes. Do ten repetitions.

"Deep knee bends" consist of standing upright, positioning your feet about shoulder-width, bend to touch your toes.

The "wall push-up" is for the novice. Stand about two feet away from a wall. Place your hands on the wall. Lean towards the wall, until your nose touches the wall. Push yourself back to the upright position.

Finish by walking in place for four minutes.

The "average" cardio boot camp exercise begins with stretching and running for ten minutes.

Do 20 "leg stretches" and "deep knee bends." Perform either 20 "regular or baby sit-ups". A "baby sit-up" is performed while on your back, legs bent. Place your hands on your ears, elbows protruding forwards. Curl towards your knees, until you feel resistance. Recoil to your original position.

A "full sit-up" involves you touching your chest to your knees.

For a "full push-up" - lay on your stomach, with legs fully extended behind you. Place your hands on the ground, next to your shoulders. Push straight down, until your arms are fully extended. Keep your back straight. Lower your body, until your nose touches the ground. Do 20 push-ups.

If you are out-of-shape, you might want to start with "knee rocker push-ups" - rest on your knees rather than your toes.

Finish by running half a mile

The "advanced" cardio boot camp exercises are for those who have done weight training and running.

Run a mile.

Do the average cardio boot camp exercise with 40 full sit-ups and full push-ups.

Then do 30 "jumping jacks". Stand with feet together, arms resting at sides. Jump in the air, spreading your legs out to their maximum width. Raise your arms. Clap your hands above your head. Land on feet fully spread. Jump again returning to original position.

Finish by running two miles.

Enjoy exercising. Make your body strong!

By Robert Grazian

3 Most Crucial Cardio Tips You Must Know at All Costs - You Will Never Lose Weight Without These

In order to get maximum results out of your cardio workouts there are some things which need to be done. The reason why a lot of people have to struggle with their cardio workouts is simply due to the fact that they do not know how to optimize their workouts due to which they do not get fast results. You see this is the prime reason why you should be aware of these tips. Read on to discover some of the most crucial cardio tips you should not miss...

Always do it with an empty stomach- One of the most important cardio tips you must always follow is to do your workouts with an empty stomach. You see trying to workout will a full stomach would not only make you feel extremely heavy and tired but it might also make you vomit. You see you should maintain a good amount of gap between your meals and workouts. In order to get best possible results you should workout early morning with an empty stomach.

Stretching is extremely important- Stretching is always important if you want to see some fast results with your cardio workouts. Not only would it enhance the rate at which you will lose weight but at the same time it will prevent you from any possible injuries which might occur during your workouts.

Do a combination of exercises instead of sticking to one- Doing a combination of exercises is extremely important to get the best results from your cardio workout. When you stick to one workout for too long your body starts adjusting itself to the workout due to which you might not see any results after a period of time. Therefore always do a combination of exercises.

An Absolute must know for you- What if you were told that whatever you knew about weight loss till now will A BIG LIE? You see There's a Reason That You Have Excess Stomach Fat....You are about to be introduced to the secrets no one will ever share with you. Read on to discover what these secrets are before it's too late for you...

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Top 7 Benefits From Aerobic Activity

Aerobic activity is any activity that requires oxygen to produce the necessary ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to carry out the activity. Aerobic activity acquires ATP through the Kreb's Cycle. One time through the Kreb's cycle produces 36 ATP's compared to just 2 ATP through glycolysis or anaerobic cycle. Aerobic activity is essential for your cardiovascular health.

Aerobic activity achieves the following:

1. Raises your VO2 max (your maximal oxygen uptake). It does this by increasing the amount of oxygen your body is able to use during normal aerobic activities. If you're out of shape and run a mile, you might run it in ten minutes or so, but if you have a regular aerobic routine (which could consist of jogging, walking, running, biking, or any cardiovascular activity), you can speed up running the mile by minutes because you'll be breathing more efficiently.

2. Increases your red blood cells' oxygen-carrying capacity. This is done by increasing the number of red blood cells. Red blood cells are needed in your body to carry oxygen in their hemoglobin. The more red blood cells you have, the faster oxygen is transported throughout your body.

3. Decreases your resting heart rate (RHR). Aerobic activity does this by increasing the muscle strength of your heart and by actually increasing the size of your heart. Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, and any other athlete that is in aerobic sports have huge hearts that pump a great amount of blood in no time. The heart is like every other muscle in your body: it responds to training by increasing in size and strength. Performing aerobic activities regularly can decrease your heart rate by up to 20 beats per minute; a normal heart rate ranges between 60-80 beats per minute. A reduction in beats per minute saves the heart from beating about ten million beats per year.

4. Increases the number of mitochondria. This needs to increase because it is the site for aerobic energy production. So as the number increase it gives the cells in your body potential to produce more energy for muscular work.

5. Increases the number of capillaries. Capillaries in your body are a place for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and cells. The larger the blood vessels dilate, the more exchange of gases can take place. This increases the rate at which oxygen is delivered to the heart.

6. Lowers blood lipids and blood pressure. Regular aerobic activity leads to lower blood pressure which reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It also reduces levels of fats and cholesterol in arteries. Fats and cholesterol are the culprits that clog arteries, leading to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and coronary heart disease.

7. Faster recovery time and an increase in fat-burning enzymes. By training regularly, you help your body in recovering faster and staying healthier. You will be less likely to get sick and be healthier and feel good every day. You also increase fat-burning enzymes. By increasing lean muscle mass, that you get from doing aerobic activity, your body burns fat because you increase the number of enzymes so you burn more fat.

Aerobic activity is easy to do just about anywhere, running, jogging, biking, and walking are not your only options. You can increase your activity by just changing little lifestyle habits. You can park farther out in the parking lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or even bike to work if close enough. Doing yard work can also be considered aerobic activity, like mowing, raking, or just any household chore you do for a while. As you can see, there are many benefits for changing your lifestyle; you'll live longer and feel better each and every day.

By Michael Pach